ESOVE 2024

14-17 October 2024 - Corum, Montpellier, France

Bandeau - ESOVE 2024

Welcome to the 23rd European Society for Vector Ecology Conference

14-17 October 2024 - Montpellier, France

One Health in action: supporting and accelerating the bridging of the vertebrate and plant health communities

Dear Colleagues,

Combining human, veterinary and plant health. This is the ambition of the Vectopole Sud network, i.e. 7 research partners from the Occitanie region: Cirad, CNRS, INRAE, IRD, University of Montpellier, Toulouse Veterinary School and EID Méditerranée, the main public vector control operator in France.

On behalf of the Vectopole Sud, it is our great pleasure to welcome the 23rd European Society for Vector Ecology Conference, planned to be held 14-17 October 2024, for the second time in Montpellier, France, after twelve years.

ESOVE conference is an international congress recognized by the medical and veterinary entomology communities. Hosting 2024 ESOVE will be a unique opportunity to gather specialists from all over Europe and beyond, working on different aspects of arthropod-borne pathogens and vector species not only in vertebrates but also in plants this time. This conference will highlight the numerous bridges between these scientific communities and will emphasize the need for collaborative, multisectoral and transdisciplinary research for surveillance, warning, and innovative vector and pest control.

The Vectopole Sud, the local organizing committee and the scientific committee are very happy to welcome you in Montpellier once again. We hope you all enjoy the fruitful scientific discussions, learning opportunities and delightful and friendly souvenirs offered by the event.

The Vectopole Sud and the local organizing committee

ESOVE 2024 Awardees

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Limited places available, we invite you to register early !

Online registration

Hotels location

Abstract submission

Instructions for authors:
Abstract guidelines

  Important dates

Abstract submission until:
10 May 2024

Early bird registration until:
31 May 2024

Program at a glance

Program at a glance

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Announcement poster

Announcement poster

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See the previous Conference

ESOVE 2022