InterDrought 2022

28 November to 2 December 2022 - King Fahd Hotel, Dakar, Senegal

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Instructions for abstract submission

Abstract updates

Closing date for abstract modification and/or cancellation is 31 August 2022.

If you wish to make a new abstract submission, please use the abstract submission form.

Authors who have already submitted abstracts have the opportunity to cancel, modify and/or replace their original abstracts.
To find your access codes to the ‘Author area’, search in your emails notification about abstract submission and abstract # that were sent by

General instructions

The Scientific Committee will evaluate the abstracts and will confirm the type of presentation and scientific theme and/or session retained.

Deadline for abstract submission: 31 August 2022

Notification of acceptance: before 15 September 2022

For oral communications

For posters

The Scientific Committee will evaluate the abstracts and will confirm/reject your poster (with or without 2 minutes presentation).

For Keynote Speakers

Abstract template

Genome-wide association study identify SNPs and genomic regions for lipids and diterpenes contents in Coffea arabica related to its domestication

Pereira Luiz Filipe P.  ( 1, Sant’ Ana Gustavo C. 1, Ferreira Rafaelle V. 2, Silva Bruna S. R. 2, Nogueira Lívia M. 2, Padilha Lilian 1, Kitzberger Cintia S. 2, Scholz Maria B. 2, Sera Gustavo H. 2, Domingues Douglas 3, Guyot Romain 4, Pot David 5, Charmetant Pierre 5

1 Embrapa Café, Brasília, DF, Brazil; 2 IAPAR, Londrina, PR, Brazil; 3 UNESP Rio Claro, SP, Brazil; 4 IRD, Montpellier France; 5 CIRAD, Montpellier, France.


The Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are an efficient approach to dissect the genetic architecture of complex traits…


Using GBS, we genotyped 107 Coffea arabica accessions, including wild genotypes from the historical FAO collection from Ethiopia and cultivars…


Using the diploid Coffea canephora genome as a reference for GBS data, we identified 6,696 SNPs…


The genetic analysis helped to define which accessions are more important to preserve in order to have a good genetic representation of the FAO collection and provided insights on C. arabica domestication. The GWAS approach was efficient to identify markers and genomic regions associated to lipids and diterpenes in Coffea arabica that can be used into breeding programs.
