FSEV-AFC Workshop 2024

February 7-9, 2024 - FIAP Jean Monnet, Paris, France

Bandeau - FSEV-AFC Workshop 2024

Note: There is no possibility to register a group of participants

Individual Chair - Guest - Board - Speaker - Exhibitor / Sponsor - Online registration

path : {{path}}
aujourdhui: {{aujourdhui}}
fincongres: {{fincongres}}
limitePaiement : {{limitePaiement()}}
ui.limitePaiement: {{ui.limitePaiement}}
type: {{type()}}
codeDroits: {{codeDroits()}}
siteUrl: https://www.alphavisa.com/afc-fsev/2024/
codeCongres: 570
fincongres: 1707501600
Contact details for correspondence
(e.g. Marie)
(e.g. Curie)

(will not appear in the list of participants)

(you may indicate here another email address; we will use it to copy our messages. Not appear in the list of participants)

Workshops registration - 7 to 9 February 2024

The limite for the practical workshops registration has been reached.
You can still register for Wednesday afternoon lectures or join the waiting list for practical workshops

Workshop registration fees include:

  • participation in all sessions (Wednesday afternoon lectures, Thursday selected practical modules and Friday morning analysis & discussions),
  • entrance to the exhibition area,
  • workshop documents,
  • lunch on Thursday, February 8th
  • workshop dinner on Thursday, February 8th
  • 4 coffee breaks.

Your participation will be taken into account and confirmed within the limit of 60 places available.

Workshops selection Thursday 8 February

These practical modules will be divided into 4 sessions of 2 hours where each company will allow groups of 6 people to manipulate directly their device and to test the reference material of the company and batches of calibrated vesicles.
See a description of each workshop.
Please select one workshop per session. Places are limited to 6 participants per workshop per session.

ui.maSession1 {{ui.maSession1}}
ui.maSession2 {{ui.maSession2}}

Please select 2 alternative workshops (different from the ones you selected above) in case some of your choices are not available anymore:

Wednesday afternoon registration include:

  • access to Wednesday, February 7th afternoon lectures,
  • entrance to the exhibition area,
  • 1 coffee break.

BoardKeynoteLOCChair Conference registration - 11 to 14 September 2023

Face-to-face registration include:

  • admission to all conference sessions,
  • entrance to the exhibition area,
  • conference book of abstracts (pdf) and documents,
  • welcome cocktail,
  • conference dinner,
  • 4 lunches and 7 coffee breaks.
ui.registrationType: {{ui.registrationType}}
ui.maSession1: {{ui.maSession1}}
Session2Id.value: {{ui.maSession2.value}}
codeDroits: {{codeDroits()}}
montantDroits: {{montantDroits()}}


Amount to be paid: {{montantTotal() && (montantTotal() | amount) || '-----'}}

Please make out your cheque (in euros and payable in France) to:
"Alpha Visa Congrès / {{congresNom}}".
On the back of the cheque, please write reference: "{{congresNom}} {{data.prenom}} {{data.nom}}".

Send your cheque to:
Alpha Visa Congrès / {{congresNom}}
624 rue des Grèzes
34070 Montpellier

When making your bank transfer, please indicate the reference: "{{congresNom}} {{data.prenom}} {{data.nom}}".

IBAN code: FR76 1350 6100 0062 1508 6300 032 - BIC code: AGRIFRPP835

(Allowed only for French institutions)
Please indicate the reference: "{{congresNom}} {{data.prenom}} {{data.nom}}" on the purchase order
and send it:

  • by email to {{congresEmail}},
  • or by regular mail to:
    Alpha Visa Congrès / {{congresNom}}
    624 rue des Grèzes
    34070 Montpellier

Invoice address

(Your company’s intracommunity VAT number)

* Required fields

You have a right of access and rectification to your personal data by contacting:
Alpha Visa Congrès / {{congresNom}} - 624 rue des Grèzes, 34070 Montpellier - France - {{congresEmail}}

Thank you for registering.

Your reservation number: {{id}}.

Reference: {{produitId}}/{{data.prenom}}-{{data.nom}}/C{{id}}.
Registration type: {{ui.registrationType}}.

Total amount: {{montantTotal() | amount}}.
Payment by: {{data.type_reglement}}.

An automatic confirmation has been sent by email.

We have partnered with Revolugo for your hotel needs to offer you the best negotiated rates. You will be able to book accommodation, regardless of your registration.

Best regards

An error has occurred! Your form could not be sent.

Start over

The registration is closed.