Abstract submission is now closed.

Abstracts can still be submitted for poster presentation until 15 June 2011 sending an email to: ecmparis@mnhn.fr.

Please note that it is compulsory to register if you have submitted an abstract.

Abstracts are being reviewed and evaluated by the scientific committee and authors will be informed of the decision by the end of May 2011.

Participants wishing to give an oral presentation or to present a poster should submit an informative abstract related to one of the 22 thematic sessions.

. The congress official language is English.

. Typing instructions (250 words maximum):

. Skip over a line, italic Times 12 pts, authors:
J. Smith (1), P. Johns (2) (presenting author's name is underlined).

. Skip over a line, short affiliations, Times 12 pts:
(1) Biology department, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, USA ; (2) Institute of Biology, London, UK ; (j.smith@uni-louisiana.gouv).

. Oral presentations:

Each communication will be limited to 15 minutes for presentation plus 5 minutes for questions.
Due to the high number of parallel sessions, program schedule will have to be carefully observed.

Video projector facilities will be available in all lecture rooms. Speakers requiring any additional equipment should inform the organizing committee in advance.

. Posters:

Posters will be displayed in the Atrium Hall (Paris VI University) in the coffee break area. Every day two coffee breaks of 45 minutes will be organized to allow discussions.
A two-day poster session will be scheduled for each thematic session.

Poster size will be A0 portrait format.
Please remember to use large typo (not less than 7mm).

. Practical organizational information will be sent to you with your communication acceptance.

For any complementary information, please contact: ecmparis@mnhn.fr.

. Any abstract which would not correspond to the above mentioned criteria would be sent back to its author.







ECM 2011