ASIC 2023

11-14 September 2023 - Hanoi - Vietnam

Bandeau - ASIC 2023

coffee Welcome

Dear Colleagues,

The 29th ASIC Conference on Coffee Science is now planned to be held 11 Sept. - 14 Sept. 2023 in Hanoi (Vietnam).

ASIC (Association for the Science and Information on Coffee) has been existing for 56 years already and has organized regularly conferences on coffee science most usually every second year, trying to alternate coffee producing and consuming countries.

I would like to take this opportunity to warmly thank, on behalf of ASIC and the scientific community working on coffee, the Vietnamese authorities who have accepted to organize this 29th conference.

Vietnam is the second largest coffee producing country in the world and the largest producer of Robusta coffee. In the north of the country, Arabica coffee is also grown in the mountain areas.

This conference represents a unique opportunity to gather specialists from all over the world working on different aspects of coffee science and technology. During the conference, all possible aspects of coffee science will be developed and the participants will be able to hear and share novelties on the different following topics:

  • agronomy: genetics, botany, agrotechnology, pests and diseases, agroecology, etc.;
  • chemistry: coffee analysis, chemical composition, aroma, etc.;
  • technology: green coffee processing, roasting, grinding, extraction, decaffeination, etc.;
  • physiological effects: coffee and health.

As the President of ASIC, I am cordially inviting all scientists working in the field of coffee and interested in sharing their research data to presently take good care of themselves and families. Do not forget to add to your agenda the next 29th ASIC Conference that will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam, from 11 Sept. - 14 Sept. 2023 which will allow taking advantage of all nice meeting and learning opportunities offered by the event. We will be very happy to welcome you in Hanoi next year.

Astrid NEHLIG, President of ASIC

 See themes of the meeting

 Online registration

 Abstract submission

  Important dates

Early bird registration for the
face-to-face Conference until:
Monday 24 July 2023

Early bird registration for the online Conference until:
Friday 1 September 2023

Abstract submission until:
Thursday 15 June 2023

Abstract notifications of acceptance:
before 30 June 2023

Program at a glance

Program at a glance

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Announcement poster

Announcement poster

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