ASIC 2023

11-14 September 2023 - Hanoi - Vietnam

Bandeau - ASIC 2023

Monday 11 September

* VIETNAM am = Asia am + America (J-1) 5-12pm + Brazil 10-12pm - VIETNAM pm = Asia pm + Africa/Europa am + Brazil 5-7am

Opening Session (to be finalized)

Chairs: Astrid Nehlig & Benoît Bertrand

  • 08:00-08:10 - Welcome messenger: Astrid Nehlig - ASIC President
  • 08:10-08:30 - Introduction speech: Andrea Illy - ASIC
  • 08:35-08:45 - Messenger from VAAS: Pr. Dr. Nguyen Hong Son / Dr. Dao The Anh
  • 08:50-09:00 - Messenger from VICOFA: Pre. Nguyen Nam Hai
  • 09:05-09:45 - Current status of coffee production, research and commercialization in Vietnam:
    Dr. Bui Quang Dang
    - VAAS
  • 09:45-10:00 - The transformative communities & environments: D-tech President



Keynote lecturer & Oral presentations


Session 8: Coffee Chemistry & Sensory sciences

Chairs: Valérie Leloup & Rodrigo Cunha

  • S8-KN - Coffee Chemistry: Aroma, Taste and Beyond
    Devin Peterson (Ohio State University, USA)

  • S8-O-01 - A new Coffee Brewing Control Chart relating sensory properties and consumer liking to brew strength, extraction yield, and brew ratio
    Guinard Jean-Xavier (UC Davis Coffee Center, University of California, Davis, California, USA)
  •  S8-O-02 - Sensory Analysis of the Flavor Profile of Full Immersion Hot, Room Temperature, and Cold Brewed Coffee over Time
    Liang Jiexin (UC Davis Coffee Center, University of California, Davis, California, USA)
  • S8-O-03 - Alkyl furan formation in coffee - Role of precursors and impact of the roast degree on their origin
    Poisson Luigi (Nestlé PTC Beverage Orbe, Société Produits Nestlé SPN, Orbe, Switzerland)

  • Questions / Answers



Keynote lecturers & Oral presentations


Session 9: Consumption-Health & Safety

Chairs: Astrid Nehlig & James Coughlin

  •  S9-KN-1 - Coffee consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases
    Rob Van Dam (The G. Washington University, USA)
  • S9-KN-2 - Effects of regular coffee consumption on cardio vacular diseases: findings from the UK biobank
    Peter Kistler (Melbourne University, Australia)

  •  S9-O-01 - Coffee silverskin: A potential value-added by-product with similar effects as coffee on sugar metabolism
    Barreto-Peixoto Juliana A. (Laboratory of Bromatology and Hydrology, Department of Chemical Sciences, REQUIMTE/LAQV, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal)
  • S9-O-02 - Combining netnography and means end chain analysis to research coffee brewing habits
    Guinard Jean-Xavier (UC Davis Coffee Center, University of California, Davis, California, USA)
  • S9-O-03 - Influence of Roasting on Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Philippine Coffee
    Mojica Ruel (Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite, Philippines)
  • S9-O-04 - Evaluation of taste and aroma of coffee and its relation to electroencephalography using emotion analyzer
    Kakiuchi Misako (R&D Department, UCC Ueshima Coffee Co., Ltd., Kobe, Hyogo, Japan)

  • Questions / Answers



Oral presentations


Session M1: Miscellaneous 1

Chairs: Kifle Belachew Bekele & Luu Ngoc Quyen

  •  M1-O-01 - The expansion of Geographical Indications on coffees: opportunities and challenges
    Marie-Vivien Delphine (Cirad, France)
  • M1-O-02 - Smallholder-ready mobile pictures for coffee crop yield prediction
    Rivera Palacio Juan Camilo (Environment and Natural Sciences, Brandenburgische Technische Universität (BTU) Cottbus–Senftenberg, Cottbus, Germany)
  • M1-O-03 - Microbial profiles of Brazilian Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora
    Louzada Pereira Lucas (Coffee Design, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Venda Nova do Imigrante, ES, Brazil)
  • M1-O-04 - Economic Analysis of the Technical Efficiency and Profitability of Coffee Production in Kogi state, Nigeria
    Orisasona Taiye (Economics and Extension, Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan, Nigeria)

  • Questions / Answers